Private Detective Kharkov

Best Detective Agency Kharkov!

If you have visited our site, most likely you have found yourself or you may find yourself in a delicate, or somewhat unpleasant situation, so as not to torment yourself with guesses, speculations, doubts, not to waste your precious time, it is better to turn to a professional in time.

The possession of information at the present time is of great importance, but the main thing is to be qualified, as well as to obtain it promptly, which is what our private detectives are successfully doing. Detective agency professionals are present in all regional cities of Ukraine.

Private Detective Kharkov
Private Detective Kharkov «Detective-PIC» Best Detective Agency Kharkov!

The possession of information at the present time is of great importance, but the main thing is to be qualified, as well as to obtain it promptly, which is what our private detectives are successfully doing. Detective agency Kharkov professionals are present in all regional cities of Ukraine.

Information - the key to everything. You must know the strengths of your enemies, and see which friends you do not friend.
© Varys «Game of Thrones»
Professional service from a professional detective agency Kharkiv!
Private detective in the largest industrial center of Ukraine.

Private detective Kharkov. Kharkiv is the second city after the capital in Ukraine in terms of population. Historically, Kharkov was even the capital of the Ukrainian SSR for a certain period of time. The largest industrial center in the east of Ukraine. Kharkiv is considered one of the largest scientific and educational centers in Ukraine: 142 research institutes, 45 higher educational institutions, many museums, theaters, libraries. In 2012, it was one of the four cities that will host the 2012 European Football Championship. Kharkiv is famous for the largest square in Europe.

Highly qualified services of a private detective in Kharkov.
Professional - is the one who can do their job at the highest level, even if you do not want to do it right now.
© Alfred Alistair Cooke
Useful services of private detective Kharkov
Useful services of private detective «Detective-PIC»
Implementation of the assigned tasks by a private detective in Kharkov.
Remember: an appeal to a professional private detective – the key to a competent, prompt and effective solution to your problem!

Private detective Kharkov “Detective-PIC” provides a huge list of highly qualified detective services in the city of Kharkov and the Kharkov region. We have in the staff of our agency our own detectives in the region. Private detective Kharkov provides services for all citizens and organizations, both Ukraine and the CIS countries, Europe, and other countries of the world.

The best private detectives in Kharkov to solve any problems.

Private detective Kharkov is a team of excellent, qualified high-class professionals who have received a legal education, as well as have extensive experience in various departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Our detective agency Kharkov “Detective – PIC” cooperates only with the best private detectives and the best detective agencies, both in Ukraine and the CIS countries, Europe, and other countries of the world.
Private detective Kharkov will help to reveal or deny the fact of adultery. We have a huge long-term, colossal experience and the necessary skills to solve any problem. By contacting us, you will make sure of our professionalism through personal experience. And a private detective Kharkov, in turn, will do everything possible to ensure that you are satisfied with the work done by our agents.

Our customers have to choose between security and privacy of data. We can and should give them both equally. We believe that people have a right to privacy.
© Timothy Donald Cook Apple CEO

Also, detective Kharkov provides a wide range of services. We can, and most importantly, we are able to organize, coordinate or control all types of investigations that are necessary to complete the task and achieve the desired goal.
Our professional experience in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs allows us to take on any size of work, from a trivial observation to an objective full-scale investigation.
Tell a Private Detective Kharkiv about your problem and we will offer effective ways to fix it!


Checking the lifestyle of children

Checking the lifestyle of children In the daily hustle and bustle often there is not enough time for careful attention to your child. At work, parents spend most of the day, and the son or daughter are busy at this time, can only guess. Trusts allow the family to worry about what a child skips […]


Identifying fake bride

Identifying fake bride In recent years, common method of fraud was the extortion of funds by means of marriage fraud. After dating sites or e-mail the person conditionally called false brides, grooms acquainted with the future, and develop virtual communication, and then require a certain amount of money for various overheads. That is why, not […]


Corporate investigation with the introduction of an employee

Corporate investigation with the introduction of an employee Today, corporate investigations have become an integral part of the range of services of the Private detective agency “Detective-PIC” whose employees are attracted to the solution of the existing problems with competitors, theft in the workplace, a betrayal of the interests of business, being prepared or committed […]

Search for missing grandmother

Our family is deeply grateful to the detective agency “Detective-PIC”! Our grandmother was gone a month ago, the search for the missing was engaged in police, but not avail. Losing hope, we turned to the Detective agency. Search for missing grandmother engaged detectives and after 2 days they found our grandmother on the grave of […]

Search the heirloom

I express my gratitude to the private detective “Detective-PIC”! Our family appreciates family heirlooms, but there was a terrible situation, my grandson stole my grandmother’s brooch. It is very dear to me! I immediately turned to the professionals search for lost items! The very next day, detectives found my grandson and he is in everything […]


Detective work

Detective work Acquaint with the principles of working Detective agency “Detective-PIC”:   – A private detective never transmit or disclose the information to third parties – You will always be able to get acquainted with the real prospects of the case, we do not introduce their clients misled – A private detective is not working […]


Hire a private detective

  Do not trust the business partner? Doubt the fidelity of her husband? I suspect your child to use alcohol or, even worse, drugs? Private detective answers your many questions and can advise you. But sometimes the question is how and where to hire a private detective? First, run immediately to relatives or close friends […]


A resort romance

A resort romance By sending your beloved person on holiday, probably everyone at heart troubling thought “well if he (she) will not spin a resort romance.” And the point is not that we love can bring to the resort, as they say in the famous joke, “a bad gift”, but the fact is that everyone […]


Adultery, how to detect and what to do?

Adultery, how to detect and what to do?   It has long been jealousy and love going around, “jealous – it means love,” – says the proverb. But if love is light, positive feeling, the jealousy not only interferes with life, it can turn your life into a living hell. And the worst thing in […]


Why do not you take my order?

Question: Why do not you take my order? Answer: Most likely you have not been in possession of sufficient data to get started, or you do not know what you need, do not want to leave your position or are not prepared to pay the bill of the Agency “Detective-PIC”. Either you are asked to […]


Detectives Facebook

Members and news of the group ” Private Detective” Facebook


Detectives Odnoklassniki


The responsibility for the disclosure of information

The responsibility for the disclosure of information Disclosure – the responsibility for disclosing information: Recourse to the detective is based on personal trust. The source of this confidence can only be a personal acquaintance, reviews and fame. 2. Information on the location of the detective permitted to the extent that it provides the necessary information. […]


Detective Allan Nathaniel Pinkerton

Detective Allan Nathaniel Pinkerton   Alan Pinkerton Detective Nathaniel (1819-1884). From the history of private investigation. In the USA, the first private detective agency emerged in the middle of the XIX century, when the system of police authorities have yet formed. At that time there was not a city police services or the Federal Police. […]


Detective Arkady Franzevich Koshko

Detective Arkady Franzevich Koshko Arkady Franzevich Koshko (1867-?) The famous Russian detective At a meeting in 1913 in Switzerland, the International Congress of Russian investigating police detective in the “crime detection” has been recognized as the best in the world. And no wonder: the detective led the Russian Empire “the main investigator of Russia”, “Russian […]


Basics morality detectives

Basics morality detectives:   Detective is the bearer of the idea of law, the rule of law and respect for the rights of others. Detective must accept a commission to conduct the case, if it contains any doubts, do not exclude the possibility of reasonably and in good conscience support it and carry on to […]


Confidence of the detective

Confidence of the detective The principle of confidence to the detective:   The detective`s activity is based on  provided confidence. Protect the credibility of the dignity of his rank – is the main duty of a detective. Under no circumstances detective has no right to violate the trust placed in him. Any detective action aimed […]


Advance of the private detective

Advance of the private detective   Question: How much is usually taken as an advance? Answer: Prices are about the same in any agency or from a private detective. It is considered quite normal to determine the approximate amount of the order and take 50% as an advance. You may ask what will be spent […]

Shaking hands

Can I trust the detective?

Question: Can I trust detective?   Answer: We will never ask for the entire amount at once – when the task is a report on our expenses, what to spend advance and as generally there is an investigation. Any guarantees given by a private detective, just words, we believe the best option for gaining the […]


Printout of calls

Printout of calls Question: Can you get a printout of telephone calls, the details of the phone number or text sms-messages? Answer: No! Оur Detective agency “Detective-PIC” does not let – it is illegal and a criminal offense.


To collect the information about employees

To collect the information about employees Question: I need to check my company’s employees, help?   Answer: We will collect all the information on your staff who will provide you with a report at the end of work. In addition, we are ready to offer cooperation on a permanent basis.


Infidelity Detective

Infidelity Detective What wil be if youl appeal to the private detective agency “Detective-PIC”?   The advantages of treatment in a Detective agency in this case is obvious – if necessary, our work has virtually no boundaries, you can find out about him/her a lot of information you need, in the framework of the law, […]

The first signs of wife infidelity

The first signs of wife infidelity   Signs of infidelity of his wife:   The first sign of betrayal of your wife – had lost interest in the affairs of the family, less arguing and comes in a quarrel. The second sign of infidelity wife – became secretive, does not share their problems and worries. […]


Search for people in the internet

Search for people in the internet Question: Is it possible to find someone on the internet? Answer: The private detective is often asked to find a man in the web of the Internet. Using his skills and achievements, as well as professionals in this case we provide such detective services. It all depends on the […]


Observation for son

Observation for son   Question: Son became poorly in school, lost in the evenings, often off the telephone, carried away discos and clubs, there were strange familiar, and recently he has found some pills? Answer: Detective, with parental consent, to hold a series of activities to establish a circle of friends of the son and […]


Watching for daughter

Watching for daughter   Question: Good afternoon! We would like, what would you certain time to watch our daughter. Not so long ago, she moved to live with a young guy, and we are interested to know how they live and what they do.   Answer: We are happy to assist you in resolving this […]


Knocking out of debt

Knocking out of debt   Question: Do you knock out debt?   Answer: Knocking out debt deal OCG (organized criminal groups). Our detective agency “Detectiv-PIC” searches for debtors and their property, as well as assisting to recover the debt. Of course, in the services of a detective agency and include direct negotiations with the debtor […]


To give someone refunds

To give someone refunds Question: Quite a long time friend took a decent amount of money, but the money back until now could not. To address whether you desire the court is not, you can help in this situation? A: I must say that to assist in this case, we can, but our detectives act […]


Recruitment in the sects

Recruitment in the sects Question: My relative has recently recruited to one of the sects. He naturally claims that it’s safe, but I personally doubt it. Can you help me ?   Answer: Our detective agency is ready to assist families in a similar situation. We can make inquiries about the organization, to find out […]


Searching for people in Europe

Searching for people in Europe Question: Hello. I need to find the man, but not in Ukraine, as in the EU or the CIS. Could you help me?   Answer: Our detectives are able to provide information about people or organizations that are not only in Ukraine but also in EU countries and the CIS. […]


Search for animals

Search for animals Question: Whether you are looking for a missing pet? Answer: No,  private detective agency “Detective-PIC” may not engage in such services ..


Check before buying an apartment

Check before buying an apartment Question: We buy an apartment. It is necessary to check its purity? Answer: Check with the purchase of flats – common private detective service. Accommodation checked by BTI conducted a survey of neighbors, it turns out the sales rate, crime. The outcome of the compiled file, which is transferred to […]


Lost money in the house

Lost money in the house   Question: Recently discovered that my money was gone, it happened at home. You somehow can help us?   Answer: It’s a pretty difficult situation for the detective, as investigations may not always be effective, and they need to be carried out with extreme caution, because the situation is very […]


Stolen documents, what to do?

Stolen documents, what to do? Question: stolen important documents. Help me to find! Answer: The detective, as well as the agency, is engaged in theft, including personal property. If there is sufficient background information for detective services- we will investigate and try to help you.


My husband is threatened

Question: My husband is threatened. Help! Answer: Our specialist will gather information about the people threatening your husband, check the seriousness of their statements. The data obtained will provide you. In the presence of a crime detective agency connects to the case law enforcement authorities competent in solving your problem.


Advance of the private detective

Advance of the private detective   Question: How much is usually taken as an advance? Answer: Prices are about the same in any agency or from a private detective. It is considered quite normal to determine the approximate amount of the order and take 50% as an advance. You may ask what will be spent […]


Changing price of the private detective services

Changing price of the private detective services Questin: What is – we have agreed on a price, and the detective asks additional money to fulfill the order or after it? Answer: This is normal. Detectives are not clairvoyants – services market here is very subjective and to determine the price of the course is possible […]


Detective Allan Nathaniel Pinkerton

Detective Allan Nathaniel Pinkerton   Alan Pinkerton Detective Nathaniel (1819-1884). From the history of private investigation. In the USA, the first private detective agency emerged in the middle of the XIX century, when the system of police authorities have yet formed. At that time there was not a city police services or the Federal Police. […]


Detective Arkady Franzevich Koshko

Detective Arkady Franzevich Koshko Arkady Franzevich Koshko (1867-?) The famous Russian detective At a meeting in 1913 in Switzerland, the International Congress of Russian investigating police detective in the “crime detection” has been recognized as the best in the world. And no wonder: the detective led the Russian Empire “the main investigator of Russia”, “Russian […]


A resort romance

A resort romance By sending your beloved person on holiday, probably everyone at heart troubling thought “well if he (she) will not spin a resort romance.” And the point is not that we love can bring to the resort, as they say in the famous joke, “a bad gift”, but the fact is that everyone […]


Adultery, how to detect and what to do?

Adultery, how to detect and what to do?   It has long been jealousy and love going around, “jealous – it means love,” – says the proverb. But if love is light, positive feeling, the jealousy not only interferes with life, it can turn your life into a living hell. And the worst thing in […]


Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)

Carrying out test purchases (Mystery shopper)     Mystery shopper – type of marketing research aimed at assessing the process of customer service with the use of specially trained people (mystery shoppers). Сarrying out checks on behalf of potential / actual customers, and detailed reports on the results of inspections. Private detective “Detective-PIC” not only […]


Checking the lifestyle of children

Checking the lifestyle of children In the daily hustle and bustle often there is not enough time for careful attention to your child. At work, parents spend most of the day, and the son or daughter are busy at this time, can only guess. Trusts allow the family to worry about what a child skips […]


Basics morality detectives

Basics morality detectives:   Detective is the bearer of the idea of law, the rule of law and respect for the rights of others. Detective must accept a commission to conduct the case, if it contains any doubts, do not exclude the possibility of reasonably and in good conscience support it and carry on to […]


Confidence of the detective

Confidence of the detective The principle of confidence to the detective:   The detective`s activity is based on  provided confidence. Protect the credibility of the dignity of his rank – is the main duty of a detective. Under no circumstances detective has no right to violate the trust placed in him. Any detective action aimed […]


Employees polygraph test

Employees polygraph test Polygraph examination services for legal enterprises. Your attention provided a full range of services, conducted with the help of a polygraph (lie detector) for organizations and enterprises. Testing and analysis of the audit is conducted individual and professional polygraph examiner. Staffing a polygraph examination to recruit staff: True data specified in the […]


Polygraph test

  How does the polygraph: Modern “lie detector” can simultaneously shoot and record up to 10 indicators of organism. Starting with the classic measurement of pulse and pressure, and ending with measurement of skin-galvanic reaction and change in voice. This device automatically analyzes these indicators and signals of change of polygraph by calculating the degree […]


Licensed private detective

Licensed private investigator. Despite the fact that in many countries such as the profession of private detective has been around a long time and is licensed in our state law on private detective activity Parliament can not accept! And despite the fact that currently in Ukraine this type of activity is not considered a statutory […]


Detective work

Detective work Acquaint with the principles of working Detective agency “Detective-PIC”:   – A private detective never transmit or disclose the information to third parties – You will always be able to get acquainted with the real prospects of the case, we do not introduce their clients misled – A private detective is not working […]


Detectives feedback

The work of a private investigator is often associated with people. Most customers are satisfied and expressed their gratitude in the comments private detective. Whatever they say, as private detectives basically facing family or household problems. In exile, the private detective feedback always only found warm words of gratitude. Reviews of the private detective people […]

Search for missing grandmother

Our family is deeply grateful to the detective agency “Detective-PIC”! Our grandmother was gone a month ago, the search for the missing was engaged in police, but not avail. Losing hope, we turned to the Detective agency. Search for missing grandmother engaged detectives and after 2 days they found our grandmother on the grave of […]

Search the heirloom

I express my gratitude to the private detective “Detective-PIC”! Our family appreciates family heirlooms, but there was a terrible situation, my grandson stole my grandmother’s brooch. It is very dear to me! I immediately turned to the professionals search for lost items! The very next day, detectives found my grandson and he is in everything […]


Adultery, how to detect and what to do?

Adultery, how to detect and what to do?   It has long been jealousy and love going around, “jealous – it means love,” – says the proverb. But if love is light, positive feeling, the jealousy not only interferes with life, it can turn your life into a living hell. And the worst thing in […]


Exposing adultery

How to expose or refute adultery? To address these and other problems in the world today there are detective agency to help carry out all sorts of activities for the wife or the husband. As a result of the work you will be given a full report of your questions. Detective Agency “Detective-PIC”  will help […]


Search for missing persons

Search for missing persons   Missing is a person who has disappeared for no apparent reason. To organize search of the missing need to determine:   – Surname, name; – Date of birth of the missing; – Registered office, place of residence; – Date and time of extinction; – Last known location; – Intended route […]


Search for people

Search for people   It happens that the circumstances or time separated from the people dear to us. Often, people move, change phone numbers, names, old connections are lost.   The reasons for people search can be different: the desire to meet with old classmates, coworkers, colleagues, joint memories, unfinished business. Often the reason people […]


Check before buying an apartment

Check before buying an apartment Question: We buy an apartment. It is necessary to check its purity? Answer: Check with the purchase of flats – common private detective service. Accommodation checked by BTI conducted a survey of neighbors, it turns out the sales rate, crime. The outcome of the compiled file, which is transferred to […]


Fraud on the Internet

Fraud on the Internet Fraud on the Internet today, one of the most common types of fraud after the population of front companies and fake goods. It brings to its founders fabulous profits. And all because of the dishonest conduct business in the network can be not only profitable, but also with virtual impunity. After […]

Love Lust: "He Proposed to Me While Dating Someone Else". Julia Wheeler and Veronika Laws - PEOPLE, NEGATIVE EMOTION, couple in bed, guy using phone, texting, cheating

Infidelity on the Internet

Infidelity on the Internet Check for treason on the Internet: It is also the responsibility of our detective agency – resolution of family issues. We are ready to show you the truth and open your eyes to some things. If your significant other is with you playing a double game and often communicate online with […]


Employees polygraph test

Employees polygraph test Polygraph examination services for legal enterprises. Your attention provided a full range of services, conducted with the help of a polygraph (lie detector) for organizations and enterprises. Testing and analysis of the audit is conducted individual and professional polygraph examiner. Staffing a polygraph examination to recruit staff: True data specified in the […]


Fraud on the Internet

Fraud on the Internet Fraud on the Internet today, one of the most common types of fraud after the population of front companies and fake goods. It brings to its founders fabulous profits. And all because of the dishonest conduct business in the network can be not only profitable, but also with virtual impunity. After […]

favourite work

Foto-video observation

Foto-video observation   Very often we are plagued by vague suspicion and speculation about how close to us person spends time away from us, and, unfortunately, come to mind quite happy thoughts. However, with the help of photo and video surveillance, you can get answers to your burning questions, without unnecessary scandals and clarify the […]


A resort romance

A resort romance By sending your beloved person on holiday, probably everyone at heart troubling thought “well if he (she) will not spin a resort romance.” And the point is not that we love can bring to the resort, as they say in the famous joke, “a bad gift”, but the fact is that everyone […]


Private detective inexpensive

Private detective inexpensive   Private detective inexpensive! Recourse to private detectives in solving various problems, you should immediately understand that the services of a private detective can not be cheap, because the solution to your problems takes a lot of time and money! Also, if you see an advertisement “Private Detective inexpensive” – can immediately […]

Close-up of the hands of two businesswomen shaking hands with two businessmen in background --- Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis

Private detective prices

Private detective prices   Everything in life has a price, and therefore the work of a private investigator must be paid. Prices of private detective services are coordinated for each situation separately. Private detective rates depend on many factors: the complexity of the case, the number of operational and monitoring work on the identification, volume […]


To collect information of a person

To collect information of a person To collect information about an individual: – Place and date of birth; – Family status; – Information about relatives; – Passport data; – Address registration, phone; – Military registration; – Convictions; – Administrative offenses; – Availability of vehicles, real estate; – History of employment; – Full information about the […]


To collect the information of the enterprises

To collect the information of the enterprises   To collect the information of the enterprises: -Full Company address, contact telephone numbers; -Department аnd representation; -All registration data; -Activities; -Licences; -Bank accounts; -Balance firm; -Assets; -Founders.   Time and cost of the order depends on the number of input data, as well as the complexity of […]

Lie detector test

Lie detector test (the polygraph)   Since ancient times, humanity is concerned by the question: “Is the truth this man says?”.   Questions to the lie detector  are and will be very important for the following reasons:   Lie-detector test – can we trust this man?   Detector test lie – whether we can trust […]